- How to Set Up Your Steam Account for Purchasing Items on Market.CSGO?
- How to Purchase an Item?
- How to Cancel a Purchase?
- What Are "Purchase Requests" and How Do They Work?
- Can I Purchase Multiple Items at Once?
- What to Do If the Purchased Item Remains in "Status Clarification" or "Trade Stuck" for More Than 10 Minutes?
- How to Set Up Your Steam Account to Sell Items on the Site?
- How to Sell Items
- What is 'Quick Sale' of items, and how does it work?
- What to Do If Trades for Confirmation Do Not Appear When Selling Items?
- What Is the Commission on Sales? Can It Be Reduced?
- What to Do If You Haven't Received Money for Selling an Item?
- Error: “You must enable trade confirmations and the mobile authenticator”
- Error: “You need to first open your inventory in your Steam profile settings”
- Error: “Invalid Trade Link”
- Error: “Issues Updating Inventory”
- Error: “You are offline! You need to enable sales and either launch the MarketApp client or enable the extension!”
- Error: “Link Verification Error, Our Bot Cannot Retrieve or Transfer Items to You. Please Check the Possibility of Offline Trades on Your Account”
- What Is the Commission for Withdrawing Money?
- I Submitted a Withdrawal Request, but the Funds Haven't Arrived
- What Is the Difference Between the Withdrawal Amount and the Amount to Receive?
- What Is a Payment Password and What to Do If It's Lost?
- How to Correctly Withdraw Money to Your Steam Account Balance
- Why Can't I Withdraw Funds to an International Card?
- How to Send an Item Link in the Chat?
- Error: “You cannot write to chat until you reach level 1 in steam. You can still write to tech support.”
- Error: “To access the chat, you need to establish yourself as a reliable seller or buyer and have a small turnover on our platform.”
- Can I Suggest Improvements for Market.CSGO?
Error: “You are offline! You need to enable sales and either launch the MarketApp client or enable the extension!”
This error means that Market.CSGO does not detect the running MarketApp application, an active browser extension, or the launched mobile application. To resolve the issue, follow these steps:
Fix for the Browser Extension:
Log in to the Steam website in your browser.
Click on the extension icon and select "Disable Extension," then enable it again by clicking "Enable Extension."
Ensure that the status of Steam and Market.CSGO has changed to "Connected."
Fix for the MarketApp Application on Your Computer:
Check for the latest version of the application and update it if necessary.
If you are using proxies, make sure they are working correctly and not blocking the connection.
In the application, go to the account settings section and check the box: "Automatically enable sales on Market.CSGO."
Click the "Pause" button, then "Resume" to restart the process.
Fix for the MarketApp Application on Your Smartphone:
Re-login to the application using your Steam account.
❗️ Please Note:
For proper operation, you should use either the browser extension, the mobile application, or the MarketApp Client one at a time. We do not recommend using more than one application simultaneously.